What do cardamom pods look like

Cardamom pods come in three different colors: green , black , and white. Green is the most common of these colors, and the white variant is just a bleached version of the common Cardamom pod.

The black cardamom , while related to the green cardamom , does not grow from the same plant. Cardamom pods have 8 to 16 seeds that are ground and used as seasonings.

However, storing these incorrectly may result in flavor loss. When stored properly, this spice can be used for more than a year, but seeds that have been removed from its pod have a tendency to lose its flavor once exposed to air. Ground cardamom needs to be used immediately as flavor dissipates after grinding. Both forms of cardamom can be used in the same recipe, but the method of preparation will differ.

You will have to split or crush the pods to expose the seeds to be used for slow-cooking. Do you happen to know of shop online that offers it for a respectable price while maintaining high quality standards?

In the grocery stores around here, you can find many ready-made powders for chai-drinks. They are full of sugar and artificial flavors. When making this drink, I like that you can decide for yourself how sweet and intense you want it to be.

Rice pudding with cardamom sound lovely, I can imagine that it works great together. Unfortunately, I am not sure where to get high-quality cardamom for good prices internationally. However, I think that would be one of the best options when you concern about quality. I really hope you will find a suitable product. I have grown to dislike the flavour intensely. I love the fragrance and flavour of cardamom. So far I have just used it in chai tea and to flavour some delightful Norwegian cookies I made for Christmas years ago.

I had no idea that there were so many benefits to using it. I also did not know that there were special instructions around using it in soups and stews I will surely give those a try!

It is chilly here this Spring and I think some cardamom in my stew is just the ticket! Thank you for posting this!

Great, I am also a big fan. Norwegian cookies with a twist of cardamom sound really interesting! Nina, the wife talked me into buying a little jar of these a month or so back because she wanted to make mulled wine.

You brought the great idea to me to write something about sumac — a hidden spice treasure! As was mentioned in the article, cardamom is sometimes used for digestive, circulatory, and immune health, as well as other issues, and it is sometimes available as a supplement in capsule form. But more research is required to proves its effectiveness. Herbs and spices should not be taken in high doses as supplements without the guidance of a medical professional.

Thanks for your question! I really like the flavour in small amounts, in both sweet and savoury dishes, but the taste can be quite overwhelming, especailly if you bite into a whole pod. The pods are often cooked alongside pilau rice in Indian dishes but they are left in the dish to keep adding flavour. I often end up biting into one of them and the flavour is so strong, like a very peppery, tangy flavour, and can be quite unpleasant.

I agree with you. In the correct amounts, it is an amazing addition for so many recipes. I had never even heard of this particular spice.

The different uses and flavors, as well as the health benefits, make it very interesting in my book. As I am always on the lookout for anything with natural health benefits, this makes me want to go out and purchase some to experiment with in my cooking. Since it can also spice up drinks, that makes it even more interesting as tea is often nearly undrinkable for me. Wonderful that this article provided you with some new information and — maybe — a useful and spicy alternative.

I love the smell and taste of the cardamon but when I was a child I did not know anything about it. Because my mother hated the smell of it, there was some old lady in her childhood that was always cooking cardamon cookies and she hated it since then for some reason. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.

The Best Chai Latte. Votes: 29 Rating: 3. Feeling like tackling a bigger kitchen project? Try this cardamom pistachio kulfi a traditional South Asian ice cream made into popsciles or this warming sweet potato and chickpea curry. Kitchen Tips and Tools. Delish Shop. United States.

Type keyword s to search. Today's Top Stories. Green Cardamom Pods. Spicy World amazon. Black Cardamom Pods. Rani Brand amazon. Cardamom Powder. Swad amazon. Related Stories.


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