What should be private
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Even if you had the best first date of your life and you're dying to share-refrain. Once again, something gets taken away and it's not as special once everyone knows about it. If you learned your husband, boyfriend or new date was sharing such details with his friends you'd likely feel a bit awkward, betrayed and maybe even embarrassed, not a great way to build a solid relationship.
Did you just buy a brand new house, a boat, a luxury car? Let people wonder if you just got a promotion at work, won the lottery, received an inheritance, saved up for a decade, etc. This is one of the most personal matters, it's also one area that we know not to ask others about so why it is available for public knowledge?
I've overheard people in a casual setting telling others they're broke, their home is in foreclosure, they received trust money and specified the amount , etc. It is nobody else's business but one's own.
Also, resist the temptation in sharing in an effort to learn more about someone else's financials whether it be a friend, acquaintance or someone you're seeing. If you're planning to become married, it's wise to know these details and it's not at all inappropriate to find out-it's smart for a woman who doesn't want to become blindsided later.
Although I can't attest to using these tools before becoming married, these days learning what their FICO score is or running a background check are all part of the modern times we live in, as they can have a serious impact on the quality of your life down the road.
Yes, when you get married two become one and there is that temptation to share every single thing with your spouse but not everything needs to be talked about and if you've been explicitly asked not to repeat what was told to you-don't!
It's not your story to tell. Even when it hasn't been spoken, oftentimes the nature of the conversation determines that it's implied when certain information should not be repeated. Likewise, details of a legal agreement, settlement, work contract, etc. By sharing such details in confidence, we put others in the uncomfortable position of learning about something that they should not be privy to in the first place and there's no going back after the words are uttered.
Therapy of any sort is a time for digging deeper to identify where issues originated from, it's a time for one to become well and make sense of current or past experiences and how they relate to their present situations. Talking this through is quite therapeutic which is why you've employed a therapist to begin with. Don't make the mistake of repeating to your friends and loved ones the details of your sessions as if they were in the room with you.
Not to mention, most people have a collection of their own problems to work through, burdening those around us with our issues again and again is not only impolite but it's also selfish. Your fights. Do you really want your friend to think that your partner sucks and that you should move on to someone better? Family problems. If your partner would blush or shriek overhearing you share the information with a friend, it should stay private.
Things that annoy you about your partner. We all have problems, no relationship is without the occasional argument or challenge, however when you share with others what is likely just venting in the moment, not only are you violating the trust between yourself and your partner, you now have the utmost expectation from our friend to keep all this sensitive information highly secure.
At times, this sharing can include even serious items such as loss of a loved one, mental illness, addictions, therapy session details, infidelity or abuse. It goes without saying that if someone has shared something with you in confidence; it needs to remain that way. You expect your friends to hold these secrets close to their chest and trust them to keep your communications secure. Did you just buy a brand new house, a boat, a luxury car?
Did you just got a promotion at work , win the lottery, received an inheritance, saved up for a decade, etc. These 2 topics are usually the ones that cause some of the most friction between people.
I heard about a story where a man forgot his phone at home one day as he left for work. He and his wife of 25 years had a great loving relationship.