Which animal pees backwards

Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! Log in Sign Up. Save Word. Definition of retromingent Entry 1 of 2. Definition of retromingent Entry 2 of 2.

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Join Our Free Trial Now! Other Words from retromingent Adjective retromingently adverb. White rhino bulls spray urine onto vegetation and the ground to mark their patch, and kick their dung backwards with their hind legs to spread their scent around and get it on their feet. Birds , unlike mammals, do not have separate exits for urine and feces.

Both waste products are eliminated simultaneously through the cloaca. The penis is curved backwards , allowing the characteristic rear-directed urination. Urine spraying is a common form of scent marking, both for males marking their territory, and also for females to signify to nearby bulls when they are in estrus.

Rhinos are the second largest land mammals, eclipsed only by elephants. Despite their size, they have a gentle temperament. Ten seconds or more is normal for most of us. Unlike a dog or other animals that urinate downward or slightly forward a retromingent animal would urinate directly away from itself, i.

This is an important consideration when one is close to the rear quarters of a retromingent creature. More Info: en. Test your knowledge. We use cookies and collect some information about you to enhance your experience of our site; we use third-party services to provide social media features, to personalize content and ads, and to ensure the website works properly. Learn more about your data on Quizzclub or change your preferences right away.

We use cookies and collect some information about you to enhance your experience of our site ; we use third-party services to provide social media features, to personalize content and ads, and to ensure the website works properly. Learn more about your data on Quizzclub. OK Set preferences. Which of the following animals is not retromingent?

Jim Rivera. Urine for a surprise with this question! Jan 6, AM.


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