Which land raider should i get

Forum Index » 40K General Discussion. Subject: Advert. Squats ! BrianDavion Legendary Master of the Chapter. Insectum7 Ultramarine Librarian with Freaky Familiar. Voss Exalted Beastlord.

Insectum7 wrote: The changes to cover will make it easier for it to protect itself from enemy fire Only the to-hit penalty from dense cover can apply to vehicles, and as soon as the enemy move into that terrain, it no longer applies.

And with some exceptions if the LR is being protected, so is the enemy. Gadzilla Daemonic Dreadnought The dark hollows of Kentucky. Unless the Land Raider in question is an Achilles. Dense cover is very permissive about granting the -1 to hit, Obscuring doesn't work at all if even a single line can be drawn outside the terrain to any little projection on the tank.

Enemies with even a token amount of mobility should be able to get into a firing spot unless you're using some very sizable and specifically shaped terrain. Efficiency is the highest virtue. There's an argument no one made. The most common stories about land raiders center around being blown up turn 1 and never contributed anything beyond disproportionately reducing the size of the space marine army.

Bringing one inherently unbalances the list. In smaller lists it just doesn't fit at all, at its still just eating an eighth of your points for little to no point or return.

Just a ruin towards one corner of the table will suffice. Our local store has a ton of pieces that would do this. Karol Fixture of Dakka. Last time I used one I packed it with Devastators to keep them out of harms way for the first turn, it used it's tramsport capacity to help form a firebase.

Worked great. Cortez Contagious Dreadnought of Nurgle. So, basically it's like many Forgeworld models. Blackie Gargantuan Gargant Italy.

Sumilidon Regular Dakkanaut. Then why do they make the new models so ugly? Bring that ugly floating box. The one big flaw in this argument is that repulsors and executioners are terrible garbage as well. Sure, they're better than a landraider but that's not saying a whole lot. Land raiders have historically sucked, even in non-competitive settings. Basically if you had 4 or more lascannon equivalent weapons in your army, land raiders get popped almost instantly.

Smaller tables will hurt it. Now we're more likely to have more on less space. So you might be able to hide better, but your "roads" are going to be far less usable. Someone else mentioned another issue it faces - it pays for transport and again for tank capability. Between it pulling double duty, being a huge points cost, any disruption to your transportation plan, and whatever bonus damage to unit inside.

But, in-game it does a complete and does not fare well against models that were cast alongside it. For more reviews, battle reports, tactics discussions, list building methodology, and analysis check out the Tactics Corner! At first glance the Land Raider and its variants seem like pretty solid options with their large-scale, armor value, and transport capacity. But then you look at the points and remember that anything with AV that is not a super-heavy will have issues in the current 40k game edition.

I personally like the look and aesthetic of the Land Raider, however, fielding one on the tabletop just hurts my soul and makes me Emperor Saltatine. Since Grav is king, the Land Raider lives in a continuum of disappointment and shattered dreams. Pretty harsh, I know. The Land Raider and its variants are ground transports that have 14 AV on all sides, 4 hull points, and have the ability to carry larger sized infantry Terminators and Centurions.

They act as the Cadillac Escalades for delivering your infantry into close-range shooting or close combat. This of course comes at the heavy price tag of between to points. The three options to field the Land Raider bring different guns and transportation capabilities to the fight. However, because you want to deliver your cargo as fast a possible, shooting all of the Land Raider weapons at full ballistic skill will not happen. It also suffers from having no fire points for your models inside.

If the Land Raider enabled models to shoot out from it, it could be a decent firing base that can get you from point A to B if needed. But alas this is not the Land Raider Games Workshop wanted to give us. Additionally, Land Raiders can take a Multi-Melta as an additional weapon and can take options from the Space Marine vehicle upgrade list.

However, they cannot take dozer blades…… This is a big problem for Land Raiders, as no player wants to see and witness a pt tank be immobilized to a rock on turn 1. In the tactics section I will discuss which Land Raider variant is the best option. Land Raiders are not compelling when it comes to its firepower. With Power of the Machine spirit you will always be able to shoot one weapon at full BS, but it is not really that good to dedicate Land Raiders as tanks designed to kill other threats on the tabletop.

The best anti-tank you can get on a Land Raider of any variant is a Multi-Melta, which will most likely need Power of the Machine Spirit to shoot or will snap fire. By rules design the Land Raider and its variants have a hard time shooting its weapons efficiently. But not enough to deem it tournament worthy. They also lack, like most armor-based models, any kind of guaranteed save. Since Land Raiders lack durability you need to shield it with other layers of other vehicles to prevent clear shots at it.

TFOL and proud. Also a Forge World Fan. I should really paint some of my models instead of browsing forums. Best Raider is the magnetised Raider Failing that, in today's meta, crusader seems the best, as mentioned above.

Oshawa Ontario. Frankly, Land Raider have been becoming increasingly crappy over the last 10 years, and 6th edition was the final nail in the coffin IMO. Melta, lances, Smash on MC 's, entropic strike, and "glance death" have all massively undermined it's survivability.

That's all I can ask. You are looking at points for 2 TL lascannons, a Heavy Bolter and a multi-melta. For 20 points more, you can get 2 Triple lascannon predators, which laugh at your Land Raider's fire power. This variant has an identity crisis between being an assault transport and gun platform. It's a little bit of everything loadout, which means it's good at exactly nothing, Land Raider Redeemer - Highest potential damage, lowest average damage. You want to drive into that sweet spot and roast some MeQ An immob'ed result screws this thing over so SO hard as well.

This allows for the maximum amount of transported boys and if you get immob'ed you can at least still contribute something. It's weapon loadout is somewhat redundant with Thunderfire cannons and bolters everywhere covering anti-infantry, but at least they will get to fire often. You have to remember why you are taking a Land Raider in the first place.

See my gallery for Chapterhouse's Tervigon, fully painted. Eye of Terror. The best Landraider is a magnetized one where you can swap out the weapons to build any variant. I agree about the Spartan. That, along with drop pods, are one of those things we CSM players really wish we had. About 8, points of Black Legion Gallery. Infantrymen do not die, they go to heaven and regroup. Salem, MA.

What about a redeemer in a Ravenguard army? If bought as a dedicated transport, it gets the scout move. Would that put it close enough to use flamestorm cannons before turn 3? Direct annihilation of the enemy's forces must always be the dominant consideration. Flavius Infernus wrote: What about a redeemer in a Ravenguard army? Honor guard are decently cheap now though so thats somthing to look at.

White scars however, can scout a landraider as long as they have khan in the army. Upstate, New York. I like the classic. It is a jack-of-all trades, master of none tank. If you like to burn things, the LRR. But as a general use tank, the phobos LR with the Godhammers is where it is at.

Sure, you can get more LC shots downrange with preds, but how are they at delivering assault troops? Or taking missiles to the flanks or krack grenades on the hull? You can get troops downfield with a rhino, but they are made of paper and not assault vehicles.

Ravens are assault, but need to start in reserves and have their own issues. The classic LR might be meh at all the jobs, but it does them -all-. I have plenty of bolters in my army. The hurricanes on the LRC never really appealed to me.

I do like the TLAsC though. My problem is that it only has a 24" shooting range. As for ensuring that your land raider survives to make it to enemy lines I'd say investing in some invictor warsuits supported by scouts but since you want old marines you got drop pods, scouts, jump infantry and terminators.

Basically you're going to want things that can, screen, tie up or destroy things in an enemy list that can really hurt your land raider.

That's gone now. But I did have some success. Over the last editions I've used them intermittently and here's my cliff notes. But I expect that has changed 2 Land Raider crusader is king. God hammer and Pyro used to suffer massively from LoS in pre 8th rules but that's really as restrictive now.

But for what ever reason crusader works best in 9 out of 10 situations. If you could get 2 in probably even better, they start suffering, even if you take more in anything over 1k points and it just gets worse. Should be obvious but you can get isolated. When I use land Raiders and terminators. I'm generally trying to handicap myself against a newbie.

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