Who is ayumilove

Let me give you an example. Lets say you wanted to know how to gear a champion like Bad El Kazar. Than you scroll near the bottom. What do you see? Ayumilove gathered the information from various Youtubers. Than put all the Youtube videos on the Web page to help make the information more accurate.

This is just 1 example. Ayumilove has done this to dozens and dozen's of heroes. The YouTube links are there. Its going above and beyond the call of duty. I believe when a person goes the extra mile you should consider what they have to tell you. Those people are usually never wrong. Those people are usually either right or they are particularly right.

Let me show you what I mean when I say Particularly Right. Here is an example of a hero named Bloodgorged. If you had an Arena Team, Most of your team would be support hero. Than you would have Bloodgorged as the Nuker. It makes pefect sense. Bloodgorge is there to do damage. Now take a look at the below mastery: Ayumilove recommends it for Bloodgorged.

On the surface this skill seems right. There is some right idea's on why you would chose this for Bloodgorge. Bloodgorge is the damage dealer. If your ally dies, Bloodgorge deals more damage. It makes logical sense, but there is a deeper issue with this skill. The issue is when you get higher in arena - you face top tier players. The top tier players will begin to know which champion you have that is the Nuker. They will begin to target that champion to eliminate it.

Your Nuker is the "threat" to there team. They are removing the "threat" so they can win. Now lets change the scenario: Lets say you are fighting against low level arena players.

They don't know who your Nuker is because they are inexperienced Arena players. Select a membership level. Bronze Tier.

It might not seem like much, but it all adds up! Thank you so much to everyone that supports me! Silver Tier. Tripling up! Thank you so much! Hope you can help me! You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. About Me. Share this: Twitter Facebook.

Like this: Like Loading Please, I just remember those two videos had amazing songs :O Reply. Although its remixed, Youtube suspended my account Reply. Nick says : February 6, at am oops.. Nick says : February 6, at am Hello, I am wondering if you could help me. Pietro says : July 3, at am Ayumilove wtf happened to maple? Kirby Rider says : June 7, at am How do you report user abuse? TheEarl says : February 24, at pm For some time ago you made your own awesome version of the Warchaser map in WC3.

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How good are you at Haskell? Aothar - StewGaming. Apothecary - Incredible John. Apothecary - Chofly. Nazana is a Force affinity epic from the Demonspawn faction. She has a strong kit based on team protection with an Ally protection skill and self shield and two AOE attacks, 1.

She works really well …. Masteries are something each champion has. They are obtained by spending skill scrolls which can be farmed from the minotaur dungeon. After each run of minotaur, one champion will be randomly chosen to receive mastery scrolls. Each Champion can obtain basic scrolls, advanced. Raid , Run , Randomly , Receive. This program allows you to set unrestricted degrees of Stone and Energy.

It Attaches directly into the game server and created changes in the Knowledge base to …. Website: Groups. This is one of the most basic Artifact Sets. Category : Use and in a sentence. Jizoh is a useful team member in the game. Elhain is very useful from early-mid game part of the game. I have no masteries on any of my champs except like first 2 rows. Relatively , Roaster , Rows. This fight is tricky, and requires multi-hitters in your team composition. Bring in a Counterattack champion to reduce the amount of hits needed on the boss to remove its shield; Bring in champions that can decrease the turn meter of the boss.

Requires , Reduce , Remove. Is Skartorsis good? Not sure about Spider. He also has a naturally high HP pool and is very hard to kill. The North American review. It must first be shown that government can practically employ greater wisdom, in directing or restraining the individual as to his interests, than he can himself command, and it must be further shown that the act of interference will not bring in its train greater evils than those it is designed to remedy.

Website: Lcweb2. Category : Use American in a sentence. Rush , Regulate , Restraining , Remedy. The Support class Champions in RAID: Shadow Legends range from straight healers, to Champions with the ability to raise deceased allies, to Champions who are focused on buffing your team and debuffing the enemy.

Athel excels in all battles that includes solo campaign farming, raiding Website: Easy-online-courses. Athel excels in all battles that includes solo campaign farming, … Website: Easy-online-courses. Best Artifact Set for this mastery build is equipping Website: It. Athel Website: Youtube. As always we will go over the skills, masteries and Website: Youtube.


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