Why is cervical cancer a problem

Cervical cancer can be effectively treated when it is found early. Most women with early cervical cancer will be cured. Treatment for cervical cancer may make it more difficult, or impossible, to become pregnant. If fertility is important to you, talk to you doctor before treatment commences.

Shop Online. Contact Us. Cancer information What is cancer? Common cancer symptoms Facts and figures Explore What is cancer? Find out more. Jump to:. Jump to section. About cervical cancer. Screening and Early Detection.

What is cervical cancer? Cervical cancer symptoms Precancerous changes in cervical cells rarely cause symptoms. If early cell changes develop into cervical cancer, the most common signs include: vaginal bleeding between periods menstrual bleeding that is longer or heavier than usual pain during intercourse bleeding after intercourse pelvic pain a change in your vaginal discharge such as more discharge or it may have a strong or unusual colour or smell vaginal bleeding after menopause.

Causes of cervical cancer Almost all cases of cervical cancer are caused by persistent infection with some high-risk types of the human papillomavirus HPV ; this is the biggest risk factor for cervical cancer. Other risk factors include: smoking and passive smoking a weakened immune system if your mother was prescribed diethylstilbestrol DES , an artificial form of the female hormone oestrogen during pregnancy between and Diagnosis of cervical cancer If your screening test results suggest you have symptoms of cancer you will be referred to a specialist for further tests.

The usual tests to diagnose cervical cancer are: Colposcopy with biopsy A colposcopy identifies where abnormal cells are located in the cervix, and what they look like.

Large loop excision of the transformation zone LLETZ or cone biopsy If any of the tests show precancerous cell changes you may have a large loop excision procedure or a cone biopsy. Read more. Treatment for cervical cancer Staging If cervical cancer is detected, it will be staged, from stage 1, which means abnormal cells are found only in the tissue of the cervix to stage 4 , which means the cancer has spread beyond the pelvis to the lung, liver or bones.

Types of treatment Treatment depends on disease stage. Read More. Prognosis for cervical cancer It is not possible for a doctor to predict the exact course of a disease, as it will depend on each person's individual circumstances. Last medical review of source booklet: October Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.

Canberra: AIHW. Explore more information. Be sure to talk with your health care team about the symptoms you experience, including any new symptoms or a change in symptoms. The next section in this guide is Diagnosis. It explains what tests may b e needed to learn more about the cause of the symptoms. Use the menu to choose a different section to read in this guide.

Types of Cancer. Cervical Cancer Guide. Net Guide Cervical Cancer. Medical Illustrations. Risk Factors. Screening and Prevention. Symptoms and Signs. The first symptom is usually irregular vaginal bleeding, usually after sexual intercourse, but symptoms may not occur until the cancer has enlarged or spread.

Treatment usually involves surgery to remove the cancer and often the surrounding tissue and often, if tumors are large, radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

See also Overview of Female Reproductive System Cancers Overview of Female Reproductive System Cancers Cancers can occur in any part of the female reproductive system—the vulva, vagina, cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, or ovaries. These cancers are called gynecologic cancers. The most common In the United States, cervical cancer cervical carcinoma is the third most common gynecologic cancer among all women and is common among younger women. The average age at diagnosis is about 50, but it can affect women as young as Thick, scaly growths appear on the skin and do not heal.

To diagnose the cancer, doctors do a biopsy. Most other cervical cancers are adenocarcinomas, which develop from gland cells.

Cervical cancer begins with slow, progressive changes in normal cells on the surface of the cervix. These changes, called dysplasia or cervical intraepithelial neoplasia CIN , are considered precancerous. That means that if untreated, they may progress to cancer, sometimes after years.

Normal cells on the surface of the cervix may slowly change, becoming abnormal. For example, they may become abnormally shaped or become a darker color. Without treatment, these changes, called dysplasia or cervical intraepithelial neoplasia CIN , may lead to cancer. Cervical cancer begins on the surface of the cervix and can penetrate deep beneath the surface. Cervical cancer can spread in the following ways:.

By entering the rich network of lymphatic vessels inside the cervix, then spreading to other parts of the body. This hollow, muscular chamber houses and protects a developing fetus during pregnancy. The entrance to the uterus, called the cervix, is a muscular canal located inside the vagina. The exterior of the cervix is continuous with the vagina and is lined with flat or squamous cells, whereas the interior of the cervix is lined with tall or columnar cells.

At the junction of these two cell types, the squamocolumnar junction, abnormal cellular growth, or cervical dysplasia, can occur. In mild dysplasia, or CIN I, only a few cells may be abnormal. This condition is called carcinoma-in-situ and, if left untreated, can progress into invasive cervical cancer.

During a Pap smear, which tests for cervical dysplasia, a small sample of cells are scraped from the surface of the cervix. If abnormal cells are detected on analysis of the cells, a colposcopy will be performed. During colposcopy, the cervix is examined with a magnifying lens, and small samples of tissue are biopsied for further pathologic evaluation.

Cervical cancer is most commonly caused by the human papillomavirus HPV , which is transmitted during sexual intercourse. Some types of HPV cause skin warts, and other types cause genital warts growths in or around the vagina, penis, or rectum.

Infection with some HPV Having a weakened immune system due to a disorder such as cancer or AIDS or to drugs such as chemotherapy drugs or corticosteroids. The younger a woman was the first time she had sexual intercourse and the more sex partners she has had, the higher her risk of cervical cancer.

Precancerous changes usually cause no symptoms. In the early stages, cervical cancer may cause no symptoms. The first symptom of cervical cancer is usually abnormal bleeding from the vagina, most often after sexual intercourse. Spotting or heavier bleeding may occur between periods, or periods may be unusually heavy. Large cancers are more likely to bleed and may cause a foul-smelling discharge from the vagina and pain in the pelvic area.

If the cancer is widespread, it can cause lower back pain and swelling of the legs. The urinary tract may be blocked, and without treatment, kidney failure and death can result. Routine Pap tests Screening for Cervical Cancer Sometimes doctors recommend screening tests, which are tests that are done to look for disorders in people who have no symptoms. If women have symptoms related to the reproductive system gynecologic Pap tests can also detect dysplasia.

Women with dysplasia are checked again in 3 to 4 months. Dysplasia can be treated, thus helping prevent cancer. In the Papanicolaou Pap test, a sample of cells is collected from the cervix and examined under a microscope to screen for cancer of the cervix. If a growth, a sore, or another abnormal area is seen on the cervix during a pelvic examination or if a Pap test detects dysplasia or cancer, a biopsy is done.

Usually, doctors use an instrument with a binocular magnifying lens colposcope Colposcopy Sometimes doctors recommend screening tests, which are tests that are done to look for disorders in people who have no symptoms. These tests cause little pain and a small amount of bleeding. The two together usually provide enough tissue for pathologists to make a diagnosis.

If the diagnosis is not clear, a cone biopsy is done to remove a larger cone-shaped piece of tissue. Usually, a thin wire loop with an electrical current running through it is used. This procedure is called the loop electrosurgical excision procedure LEEP. Alternatively, a laser using a highly focused beam of light can be used.

A cold nonelectric knife is sometimes used, but this procedure requires an operating room and an anesthetic. In the loop electrosurgical excision procedure LEEP , a thin wire loop that conducts an electrical current is used to remove a piece of tissue. LEEP can be used to obtain a sample of tissue for biopsy or to remove abnormal tissue and thus treat early-stage cancer, including cervical cancer. If cervical cancer is diagnosed, its exact size and locations its stage are determined.

Staging begins with a physical examination of the pelvis and a chest x-ray. Usually, computed tomography CT , magnetic resonance imaging MRI , or a combination of CT and positron emission tomography PET is done to determine whether the cancer has spread to nearby tissues or to distant parts of the body. If these procedures are not available, doctors may do other procedures to check specific organs, such as cystoscopy bladder , sigmoidoscopy colon , or IV urography urinary tract.

Doctors usually also check for spread to the lymph nodes by doing imaging tests or a biopsy. Knowing whether cancer has spread to the lymph nodes and how many lymph nodes are involved helps doctors predict the person's outcome and plan treatment.

Stages of cervical cancer range from I the earliest to IV advanced. Staging is based on how far the cancer has spread:.

Stage II: The cancer has spread outside the uterus, to the upper two thirds of the vagina or to tissues outside the uterus, but is still within the pelvis which contains the internal reproductive organs, bladder, and rectum. Prognosis depends on the stage of the cervical cancer. The percentages of women who are alive 5 years after diagnosis and treatment are.


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