Why whaling should be stopped

Whales do collide with ships causing human injury and damage to property. Hunting them to lower but sustainable numbers will reduce these collisions. Whale meat has a relatively low carbon footprint.

Therefore its consumption is helpful to fight climate change. Whale meat is apparently delicious. Allowing the hunting of whales sets a precedent that weakens Art. How many whales are killed each year? How are whales hunted? Why do people hunt whales? Why can some countries continue whaling? Why are dolphins hunted too? Find out more about dolphin hunts. How your support can help Expose the suffering — by supporting WDC, you can help expose and bring an end to the brutal dolphin hunts.

Reduce demand for whale meat — you can help us inform tourists about the cruel slaughter they are supporting every time they order whale meat while on holiday in a whaling region. Whale watching, not eating — help us work with local communities to encourage whale watching as a kinder and more sustainable way of earning income from the whales in their waters. Support the fight to stop whaling Whales and dolphins continue to be slaughtered.

Make a donation. Our campaigns Whaling is devastatingly cruel and completely unnecessary. Stop tourists eating whales In Iceland, Norway and Greenland, tourists eat much of the whale meat, believing they are experiencing local culture. Find out more. Campaigning on an international stage We work through the International Whaling Commission, the body that regulates whaling, to keep the ban and expose illegal hunts. Hide Dive deeper. Dive deeper Find out more about the countries involved in whaling, how many whales are being killed and how whaling is regulated by the International Whaling Commission.

Whaling in Iceland Iceland hunts endangered fin whales and minke whales. Whaling in Norway Norway allows hundreds of minke whales to be hunted. Whaling in Greenland Find out how tourists unwittingly support whaling in Greenland.

Whaling in Greenland. We need to change the way we think about these species and help them thrive on this planet and support their populations through conservation and global protection. Ok, lets talk about the cash value of whales. A live and free whale has more value than a dead whale. Whale watching as an eco-tourism activity draws in the big money more than commercial whaling. All over the world, the tourism created by watching cetaceans in their habitats has provided a more sustainable livelihood for the coastal communities.

Other than income and job generation, whale watching also provides opportunities for environmental education and research. When seen and appreciated in the wild, it reinforces the need to conserve these species because not only do they bring joy and wonder to ourselves, but they also serve a function in maintaining the ocean ecosystem. Whales are part of the cetacean species in which there are 90 species all over the world.

Not all of them are endangered but in general, cetaceans have been facing threats to their species. As a result some of them are near extinction. It was only in this decade that populations have begun to recover.

Recover is not enough. We need to change the way we think about these species and help them thrive on this planet and support their populations though conservation and global protection. In fact, Norway has already jumped on the whale killing deathwagon.

Thriving populations of whales and dolphins might be again put at risk. We might actually kill them off this time. You can also visit our YouTube channel and learn more about why we shouldn't hunt whales. Here at Wave Tribe, we support conservation efforts to protect cetaceans and other marine creatures. In fact, we have a campaign called Heal the Oceans where we list every environmental non-profit or project to make it easy for volunteers and donors who would like to contribute their time and resources into marine conservation.

Taking risks also means standing up for who and what we are. It means recognizing that we are not alone and that our actions impact the world around us. Those actions also impact the ocean in a profound way. This is why here at Wave Tribe, we create eco-friendly surfing gears and products. Surfing need not be a toxic sport. We can enjoy surfing the ocean without causing it harm. This is part of the reason Wave Tribe was created. They view the documentary to be propaganda, this is misleading information.

Because of the film, it gives off the impression that SeaWorld still gets there animals from the wild, and what they did capturing the whales was illegal. They claimed that Tarkara, a calf, was really twelve years old. The recommendation of total levels of mercury in seafood in Japan is 0. It is very, very, very, highly toxic. Many people never realize that what they do has ripple effects in the world. A prime example of this is shark finning. Not to mention that the way the sharks are being treated during the process is extremely barbaric.

Therefore, shark finning should be illegal because it is cruel and inhumane, it has negative effects on the ecosystem, and the sharks that are targeted the most by the trade are in grave danger of extinction. People have destroyed them to the extent that some creatures are actually at risk of extinction.

Plastic wastes are one of the main reasons for the death of sea turtles. Animals under the labeled endangered are whales, sharks, and sea turtles. The main causes for their population decrease are man-made. It is the Japanese fishermen who take advantage of this weakness of dolphins to drive them to the cove where inhumane massacre occurs using harpoons.


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