Eragon how old is angela

DestinyWielder: Did Galbatorix know about wordless magic and he was just too arrogant to guard against it? It was a combination of arrogance and ignorance. Galbatorix did know of some wordless magic. He was aware, for example, that dragons could sometimes work magic without words and the same for spirits. It was the effect of the spells he had to guard against, not the cause.

On top of that, Galbatorix never thought to protect himself against a spell worded or otherwise that sought to help him, not harm him. Hopefully this answers your question!

There have been debates about whether or not this action really helped Eragon at all in defeating Galbatorix. I think it did and allowed Eragon to actually pull off a victory. Not even close. We never did find out for sure, did we? The obvious answer would be the Twins and Galbatorix was bluffing later on about his sources in the Varden. But perhaps he did also have high-up intelligence from within the Varden. If so will they ever be mentioned or encountered in your books or will you keep it mysterious?

Could be. I know, of course. One such suggestion, aimed at the Twins, was that her mind would drive an individual insane- not unlike that of an elf. More than once, Angela herself referred to herself as human. Likewise, she shares no physical similarities to the elves, and Arya would likely comment on the fact if Angela were one of her kind.

We can cross this off the list, as there are far more compelling propositions out there. Regardless, the speculation itself is part of the fun. As interesting a plot twist as this concept would have been, this theory was shot down almost immediately. Angela is over years old, and for her to be Selena, Selena would be a century old, which would likely make her brother, Garrow, also ancient.

I mean, come on. We know that Brom and Angela encountered each other more than once. Comparatively, Oromis also met Angela, and when he was shown a fairth of Selena, he did not recognize the woman as Angela. If the women were one in the same, Oromis would not be so daft so as not to notice, nor would any others, for that matter.

Just reading that idea drained me of my energy. I find myself wanting to believe it, despite the fact that it is purely speculation. This concept pushes Angela beyond the realm of normal men, and turns her into something ancient, frightening, and endlessly wise. In a way, looking at playful Angela in this light makes her seem far more foreboding. They bound magic, in its entirety, so that it could be tied to their language- the ancient language.

So great was their feat that the Grey Folk exhausted their power. The race was left as a shallow remnant of their previous existence as they slowly faded into oblivion. How, then, does Angela come into play? We know very little about the Grey Folk, and Paolini did not elaborate following his brief introduction- thus, this theory is not so easily debunked. Because of our lack of information, we can only associate the Grey Folk with their basic traits: they were strong, wise, and mysterious.

In a vague way, this matches Angela perfectly. The herbalist is strange, strong, wise, and very mysterious; she seems to be a human, but she is old, possibly ancient. A fellow researcher closes this theory with this thought:. As I was researching, another theory popped up on my computer screen that I initially ignored- Angela used to be a Dragon Rider. This was one of those theories that I quickly scanned and dismissed with an eye roll, until I read some of the proof.

In a few ways, it makes sense. Before the Fall of the Riders, Angela may have been a Rider herself. According to the theory, Angela lost her dragon and, like Brom, lived on alone. This theory is satisfying enough, and it helps us to understand the matter of her impossible age, her importance in the Varden and among the elves, and her first hand commentary on important events of old.

Likewise, the matter of her friendship with Solembum may be resolved by Angela being a fallen Rider- such a person would get along well with a werecat. Oromis especially, as an Elder, would certainly recognize a living Rider who had learned on Vroengard before the Fall. Angela a dragon? I like it. So, if Angela were a dragon, she would be a very tiny one. Not impossible, mind you, only. Which fits her character, I suppose. Every time I see theories on what Angela is, I always feel like they assume too much.

I like that -- Angela the werecat. Who know's, maybe we'll find out. Okay but actually, all I want to know is: does Angela have a real, intricate backstory in the lore or whatever, or is it something simple ish , and we've all just been overthinking it waaay too much. You haven't been overthinking it. She's a puzzle wrapped in an enigma. On your last AMA on reddit, someone asked if any fan had guessed the identity and history of Angela correctly.

You said nobody has guessed correctly and there's not enough information in the books to do so. That puts every fan theory out there on her wrong, correct?

She's not the soothsayer, a time lord, grey folk, etc, correct? Some of the fan theories have gotten parts of her history and identity correct. However, there's a HUGE aspect to her nature that no one has guessed or least, not in a non-joking way. And no, I don't mean her being a Time Lord. But every answer I provide will only raise three more questions! How did Angela and Solembum meet? THAT is a story for another time and another place.

When and if I write a fifth book in Alagaesia, Angela's past will play a large role. I was wondering if you were going to make a side series that focuses on one character in each book? Will we ever see the Adventures of Angela the Herbalist? Love her character. You mentioned the possibility of a book of Angela's life story.

Is this still possible? Yes, I still plan on writing the book about Angela. Also, Book V will contain a lot more information about her as well. Will we see any more of the werecats in the future? Are we ever going to know what went on between them and Angela?

And yes to a degree. Angela always keeps some secrets to herself. Glad you've enjoyed the books so much! And yes, I have lots more planned with Angela. How old is she? Where did she come from? What did she do to earn Solumbum the Werecat's loyalty? Is she even human? And finally, why the hell would you name a cool ass sword Tinkledeath? Book 5. Will we get more Angela characters in this new novel?

Please say yes. In a sci-fi novel? How would that possibly work? Can you tell us anything new about Angela? I'm not asking for anything earth-shattering, just senseless trivia. She is rather fond of the words "fuliginous" and "deliquesce".

Like their favorite food or their opinions on proper map projections? Of course, this would only be true if one were living in a story. Maybe Angela could have been this soothsayer? Upon meeting Saphira, Firnen and she became mates after completing a courtship ritual. They would remain together until she and Eragon left Alagaesia, which pained them both. Saphira is between four and five months old. Probably closer to five. Eragon is now sixteen years and zero months old.


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