Why do grammar
Do vs Does. Both are verbs, or action words. What do you do on days off? How does that clock work? Both are present tense. I do love this game.
She does want to come over now. Both have the same general definition. I do my hair before school. She does her hair before school. Both are put in the same place in sentences and questions. Maybe or may be? Maybe or perhaps? Nearest or next? Never or not … ever? Nice or sympathetic? No doubt or without doubt? No or not? Nowadays , these days or today? Open or opened? Opportunity or possibility? Opposite or in front of?
Other , others , the other or another? Out or out of? Permit or permission? Person , persons or people? Pick or pick up? Play or game? Politics , political , politician or policy? Price or prize? Principal or principle? Quiet or quite? Raise or rise? Remember or remind? Right or rightly? Rob or steal? Say or tell?
So that or in order that? Sometimes or sometime? Sound or noise? Speak or talk? Such or so? Towards or toward? Wait or wait for? Wake , wake up or awaken? Worth or worthwhile? Noun phrases: dependent words Noun phrases: order Noun phrases: uses Noun phrases: noun phrases and verbs Noun phrases: two noun phrases together.
Pronouns: possessive my , mine , your , yours , etc. Pronouns: reflexive myself , themselves , etc. Pronouns: indefinite - body , - one , - thing , - where Pronouns: one , you , we , they Relative pronouns Questions: interrogative pronouns what , who Someone , somebody , something , somewhere That.
Dates Measurements Number Time. Geographical places Names and titles: addressing people Nationalities, languages, countries and regions Place names. Reported speech Reported speech: direct speech Reported speech: indirect speech. British and American English Dialect Double negatives and usage Formal and informal language Newspaper headlines Register Slang Standard and non-standard language Swearing and taboo expressions. Past simple I worked Past continuous I was working Past continuous or past simple?
Past simple or present perfect? Used to Past perfect simple I had worked Past perfect continuous I had been working Past perfect simple or past perfect continuous? Past perfect simple or past simple? Past verb forms referring to the present Past: typical errors.
Present continuous I am working Present perfect continuous I have been working Present perfect simple I have worked Present perfect simple or present perfect continuous? Present perfect: typical errors Present simple I work Present simple or present continuous? Present: typical errors Present verb forms referring to the past. There is a complicated history of how those rules were created and who benefits from them. The end result is that schools teach the kind of English students in their country will be expected to use in public, at work and in formal writing.
Writing exists to be read. So the reader must be considered when you construct sentences. You write differently for your friends, your parents and your teacher. The grammar you learn in school helps you meet the expectations of the reader. They also learned a similar grammar in school. Well, maybe not. Do you always get there on time? Yes, I do. I'm never late. Don't you ever oversleep? My alarm clock wakes me up.
Don't you realise it's all a load of nonsense. I don't think it is. Don't you understand they do not exist? They do exist! Do you need anything from the supermarket? Do you prefer decaffeinated? Do you want me to get continental blend if they don't have decaff? It's too strong. It keeps me awake at night. Noun-verb agreement.